Alkim Petrochemical Laboratory

All tests in Alkim Petrochemical Quality Control Laboratory are carried out in accordance with Türkak accreditation standards.


Sıra No Analysis name Methot Minimum Sample Quantity Analysis Time Accreditation Status
1 Görünüş
Gözle (Visual) Min. 500 mL 1 day Not Available
2 Kinematik Viskozite @ 100 oC
(K. Viscosity @ 100 oC)
ASTM D 445 TS 1451 EN ISO 3104 Min. 500 mL 1 day Within the Scope of Accreditation
3 Kinematik Viskozite @ 40 oC
(K. Viscosity @ 40 oC)
ASTM D 445 TS 1451 EN ISO 3104 Min. 500 mL 1 day Within the Scope of Accreditation
4 Viskozite İndeks (Viscosity Index) ASTM D 2270 TS ISO 2909 Min. 500 mL 1 day Within the Scope of Accreditation
5 CCS ile Görünür Viskozite 
(Apparent Viscosity with CCS)
ASTM D 5293 TS 1896 Min. 500 mL 1 day Not Available
6 Parlama Noktası
(Flash Point)
ASTM D 92 TS EN ISO 2592 Min. 500 mL 1 day Within the Scope of Accreditation
7 Alevlenme Noktası
(Fire Point)
ASTM D 92 TS EN ISO 2592 Min. 500 mL 1 day Not Available
8 Akma Noktası
(Pour Point)
ASTM D 6749 Min. 500 mL 1 day Within the Scope of Accreditation
9 Bulutlanma Noktası
(Cloud Point)
ASTM D 7683 Min. 500 mL 1 day Not Available
10 Toplam Baz Sayısı (Total Base Number) ASTM D 2896 TS 5655 ISO 3771 Min. 500 mL 1 day Within the Scope of Accreditation
11 Toplam Asit Sayısı (Total Acid Number) ASTM D 664 TS 2432 EN 12634 Min. 500 mL 1 day Within the Scope of Accreditation
12 Renk
ASTM D 1500 TS 1713 ISO 2049 Min. 500 mL 1 day Within the Scope of Accreditation
13 Yoğunluk @15 oC
(Density @15 oC)
ASTM D 5002 Min. 500 mL 1 day Within the Scope of Accreditation
13 Yoğunluk @15 o
(Density by Hydrometer @ 15 °C)
ASTM D1298, TS 1013 EN ISO 3675 Min. 500mL 1 day Not Available
14 Köpürme Özelliği Tayini (Foaming Characteristics) I. Kademe
(Sequence I)
ASTM D 892     TS 1834 ISO 6247   Min. 500 mL 1 day Not Available
II. Kademe
(Sequence I)
Min. 500 mL 1 day
III. Kademe
(Sequence I)
Min. 500 mL 1 day
15 Bakır Şerit Korozyon @ 100 oC (Copper Strip Corrosion @ 100 oC) ASTM D 130 TS 2741 EN ISO 2160 Min. 500 mL 2 day Not Available
16 Su Miktarı Tayini
(Water Determination by Karl Fischer)
ASTM D 6304 TS 6147 EN ISO 12937 Min. 500 mL 1 day Within the Scope of Accreditation
17 Sülfatlanmış Kül Miktarı (Quantity of Sulfated Ash) ASTM D 874
TS 1985
Min. 500 mL 2 day Not Available
18 Buharlaşma Kaybı Miktarı (Evaporation Loss Amount) ASTM D 5800
TS 5367
Min. 500 mL 1 day Not Available
17 Sudan Ayrışma Tayini
(Water Separation Determination)
ASTM D 1401 Min. 500 mL 1 day Not Available
18 Donma Noktası
(Freezing Point)
ASTM D 1177
TS 3582
Min. 500 mL 2 day Not Available
19 Kaynama Noktası
(Boiling Point)
ASTM D 1120
TS 3582
Min. 500 mL 2 day Not Available
20 Köpürme Miktarı (Amount of Foam) TS 3582 Min. 500 mL 1 day Not Available
21 Su Miktarı Tayini
(Water Determination of Karl Fischer)
ASTM D 1123 Min. 500 mL 1 day Not Available
22 Kül Miktarı (Amount of Ash) TS 3582 Min. 500 mL 2 day Not Available
23 pH
Min. 500 mL 1 day Not Available
24 Rezerve Alkalinite Tayini
(Reserve Alkalinity Determination)
ASTM D 1121 Min. 500 mL 1 day Not Available
Yönetim Temsilcisi Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Sayfa No 2 / 2
İlk Yayın Tarihi 13.07.2015
Revizyon Tarihi/Revizyon No 09.05.2021-05